It is my personal belief that a company should support a charity because it means something to them. That is why Diespeker has given a commitment to a charity close to our hearts, and one that will ring a bell with anyone who has teenage children.
We hear more and more every day about the increase in poor mental health in teenagers, as pressure on them grows from all directions. Who amongst us hasn’t heard about a teenager who has run away from home, who suffers from depression and anxiety, who has an eating disorder, who self-harms or, tragically, commits suicide? Some of us will have experienced one or more of these in our own families.
stem4 supports teenage mental health through the early identification of mental health issues in teenagers. The charity’s name refers to a desire to stem the increase of young people struggling with mental health.
There needs to be more help available and stem4 has stepped in with an ongoing commitment to raising awareness and improving methods of detection, education and motivation.
The charity’s website helps users understand identification, intervention and effective management, as well as providing self-help strategies. stem4 also delivers workshops in schools not just to students but also parents, teachers and school leaders, school nurses and GPs – everyone who needs to know how they can help.
Providing this support comes at a price, so Diespeker has adopted stem4 as our chosen charity for the next two years to make sure their important work can continue.
I am sure that the aims of the charity will resonate with many others, and I hope that you will consider supporting this crucial initiative, too.
If you would like to find out more about stem4 and how you could get involved, please fill in the form below and I will contact you for an informal chat.
Many heartfelt thanks,
John Krause