Another milestone has been reached in the athletic activities of our MD, John Krause.
On 23rd June, he took part in his 500th parkrun, on Wimbledon Common. The run is a free, fun, friendly run of 5km that takes in mixed surfaces of gravel and woodland trail paths. The course can be muddy and wet, but fortunately for the participants, the weather was set fair this time.
Looking back in the archives, John’s 300th parkrun was in July 2018, so it has only taken him six years to complete another 200 runs, with a little maths wizardry we make that 33.33333 (etc) parkruns a year!
Of course, John has fitted these in with his other activities, namely marathons and Iron Man events. And running the business, of course!
John completed the parkrun in 23:54 came 111th in the field. Afterwards, he was joined by his friends to enjoy a celebration cake and a glass or two of fizz.
Many congratulations John, we know you’re looking forward to the next 500 parkruns…..