One of our regular design clients is Annie Harrison from Fare. We’ve worked with Annie on some fantastic projects, including restaurant Kolamba’s unusual bespoke terrazzo.
For this residential project in Islington, we were brought on board to manufacture and install the worktop for a home bar. The client really wanted a bar that had a real feel of a hotel or restaurant bar, reminding them of places they’d visited over the years.
The marble slab needed some careful work in our factory to create the curved look the client wanted with beautiful triple bullnose edging. Triple bullnose is also referred to as waterfall edging and has a true luxurious look about it. The bar is an island design, with a unique cladding of individually hand-stitched leather poles and tide curved cupboards. A nice touch is a matching tray with the same shaping as the bar. The unusual chairs were designed by Annie and made to order by Contract Furniture by Design.
The triple bullnose edge was used for a second worktop which incorporated a sink in the same marble, with an antique gold tap and mixer. All templating, factory work and installation was carried out by Diespeker.
Excitingly, Annie tells us that work is soon starting on a second restaurant for the owners of Kolomba, which will use slabs of green marble in a crazy paving style. We can’t wait to get started!
Design Studio: Fare inc.
Photography: Clare Menary