When client Christina Eriksson wanted a table top for her new coffee table, she visited the Diespeker showroom to find inspiration – and fell in love with one of our newest resin terrazzo options, the striking green and white TE112.
Christina had a very clear idea about the shape of the table, which she wanted to be rather like an egg. Not an oval – an egg! Our very own Dave Batt came up with several ideas for the shape but he never quite cracked it (sorry Dave!). In the end Christina had a template made up for the team to work to – and everyone was happy.
Although Diespeker is very au fait with table making, this was the first table top made from this particular terrazzo and we have to say that we think it is really striking.
When Dave emailed her a pic of the finished table top she replied: “OMG – it is gorgeous! Thanks for laying my egg.”
Christina has since very kindly sent some photos of the table in situ, and we are in total agreement with her choice of terrazzo and the shape of the table surface. Christina’s egg shape really works – we have to say it looks eggs-quisite!