We’re used to receiving unusual requests at Diespeker, but in general these are related to our terrazzo and natural stone; for example, someone looking to borrow material for photography or filming.
A recent request from artists Oliver Koch and James Wignall, however, was very different. Oliver and James were working on a sound performance piece for the London Festival of Architecture. They told us that the focus of their piece was specialist businesses around the Old Kent Road area where they were collecting field recordings to incorporate into a performance in the Sound Without Boundaries event. They had already been to Small Beer Brewery and were also capturing sounds at Kaymet and Weber Industries.
We were delighted to welcome them to the Diespeker premises where they visited the factory area to record the noises of the machinery and processes.
Oliver said: “As artists, we are specialized in working with sound. In order to highlight the presence and importance of local industry in contributing to the urban fabric, we are recording sounds of businesses around Old Kent Road. These sounds later become the material in a live music performance.”
The London Festival of Architecture runs to 30th June 2019 and Sound Without Boundaries takes place on June 29th from 12.30 to 5.00pm at DIY Space for London, just along the road from Diespeker.
Visitors can contribute to a workshop or become immersed in presentations and sonic performative interventions from local resident groups, sonic artists, researchers and built environment professionals.
We look forward to hearing the ‘Sound of Diespeker’ at the Festival – find out more about the event here.