Diespeker MD John Krause has set a challenge for colleagues and some of the company’s closest suppliers in a fundraising initiative for charity stem4.
John is inviting people to participate in the Malta marathon, half marathon or walkathon in March 2020.
Having run marathons all round the world, John has particularly fond memories of the Malta marathon which he has run before. Then, his father took part in the half marathon at the age of 76 – achieving in an impressive 3 hours 45 minutes.
John says that it was his own fastest marathon to date at just 3 hours 11 minutes, although he admits to being helped no end by the fact that the marathon was almost totally downhill! That was his 70th marathon and when he runs it again in March it will be marathon number 163.
John hopes that the event will smash the total raised by an earlier company-wide fundraiser when over 50 people took part in the South Downs Run in 2011 and raised £5,000. The photo shows the participants of the run including John’s father, sitting on the right.
John’s father has since sadly passed away so the Malta marathon will be full of memories for our MD. We hope lots of participants will be there to make this another memorable occasion for him, and for stem4.
stem4 promotes positive mental health in teenagers and those who support them including their families and carers, education professionals, as well as school nurses and GPs through the provision of mental health education, resilience strategies and early intervention.
Featured picture credit: R Muscat