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Wimbledon fifty-somethings sweep the board

Diespeker boss John Krause has been at it again with a sterling performance in a Windsor duathlon race. The race was part of the Winter Duathlon Series held in the South East and London, with the Windsor event at the London 2012 Rowing Centre at Dorney Lake, a flat and fast environment.

John competed with three other energetic Wimbledon athletes in the 55-60 age group, who impressively notched up the top four places. A fifth Wimbledon athlete, Jeremy Purnell, came second in his youthful 50-55 age group, finishing tenth overall with a time of 2.12 minutes.

A combination of running and cycling, this warm up event means that all the Wimbledon athletes will be going on to another event at Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire in March − hopefully to gain British qualification in their age groups for the European Championship in Spain in June.

John, MD of successful natural stone and terrazzo specialist Diespeker & Co, said: “It’s very exciting to be taking part, and to know that at least one of our informal group, Richard Evans, has a chance of being number one in the UK in our age group.”

Windsor Duathlon Series 2016 Event 1 - 10k run 40km bike 5k run

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