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125th marathon run for MD John

If you’re going to run your 125th marathon, then why not do it on the other side of the world?

Diespeker’s Managing Director John Krause did just that when he decided to take part in a full marathon run in New Zealand.

John was due to visit Australia and had a quick look around on the internet to see if there were any runs he could take part in whilst in the Southern Hemisphere. He duly came upon a marathon in Queenstown, and nipped across from Australia to take part. John enjoyed the stunning NZ scenery during the run, which he completed in 3’36.

To top it all off, Diespeker’s very own action man also did a bungee jump during his trip. (John says that, although he will be running for many more years to come, he will never be doing one of those again)!

John 125 marathon NZ

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