As part of our celebrations marking 140 years as a specialist in terrazzo and natural stone, we are keen to learn more about heritage projects undertaken by the company. So in return for your help, we’re offering the opportunity to win one of four cash prizes during 2022.
Diespeker’s early work is in evidence across the country, from Scotland to Dorset, Blackpool to Brighton and Newcastle to the Cornish coast. Floors and stairs in entertainment venues, hospitals, council buildings and station concourses, frontages and facades for offices and shops, and stunning feature mosaics in churches were all created by Diespeker – at one point we had offices in Glasgow, Birmingham, Hull, Manchester, Liverpool and Belfast, and our head office at Holborn Viaduct.
Over the years, we’ve been contacted by people with an interest in heritage materials. Murray Peterson sent us information about intricate mosaic and terrazzo floors and stairs he knew of at the Pavilion Theatre in Glasgow, whilst Steve Settle spotted a terrazzo floor by Diespeker in the Port of Liverpool. Both of these projects have a small mosaic signature, Diespeker Patent.

We also discovered evidence when undertaking work across the country, particularly when refurbishing old terrazzo or working in notable historic buildings. In 2017, during a marble installation at the London Coliseum, a stunning ceiling mosaic in the entrance was pointed out which, on closer inspection – and with the benefit of a stepladder – turned out to be a Diespeker original as evidenced by a mosaic signature.
This signature is definitely something to look out for if you join in the heritage search.
Newer projects will be harder to spot – but there are plenty out there! Who’d have thought that giant ‘fins’ made from precast concrete for architect John Outram’s temple design for a stormwater pumping station on the Isle of Dogs were made and painted in Diespeker’s workshops?
During our own research, a book produced by Diespeker in 1931 provided masses of detail about projects the company had been involved with, and anyone keen to enter is welcome to look through this to get inspiration. And we recently found a 20-year old marketing document referring to dozens of high profile clients we’ve worked for, from Arsenal FC and Harrods to The National Bank of Greece and the Royal College of Art.
MD John Krause says “It’s always a thrill to learn about work that took place over 100 years ago – some of the projects even include dates worked into the design, such as the mosaic at the entrance to the National Portrait Gallery which Diespeker created in 1895.
“So much of the company’s early work has stood the test of time, sometimes needing repairs and refurbishment, but rarely needing replacement!”
Diespeker’s Heritage Project competition runs until the end of 2022. Submissions will be entered into a random draw and four prizes of £100 will be awarded during the year.
You can submit your Diespeker ‘find’ or learn more by visiting our dedicated website page:
Good luck!